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Websites store small bits of data in cookies to improve your experience on the site and create personal touches like welcoming you back when you return. Hotwire requires cookies be enabled to complete your booking and view search results. We also use it to track pages visitors view on our site and sometimes from which partner site visitors arrived. However, we do not store personal data in cookies and cannot use cookies from other sites to retrieve personal information you have not provided to us. For information about how we protect your privacy at Hotwire, see our Privacy Policy.

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  • Go to your iPhone "Settings" and tap on Safari.
  • In the "Accept cookies" menu, select "From visited" or "Always".
  • After you've enabled cookies, tap the "Back" button and search again to find a great Hotwire deal.

Instructions for Android phones

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  • Tap the "Accept cookies" box so that it is checked and tap the "Back" button.
  • After you've enabled cookies, tap the "Back" button and search again to find a great Hotwire deal.

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